Thursday, February 20, 2020

N - 51 | How-To Hydroponics, Fourth Edition

How-To Hydroponics, 4th edition, has been completely revised to share with you the incredible benefits of hydroponic gardening in a hands-on, easy to follow format that anyone can understand. Hydroponics is healthy, safe and fun for the whole family, as a hobby, or means of additional income.

Learn Hands-On At Your Own Pace
Which plants to grow, how to start from seeds and how to take cuttings to preserve, and propagate your favorite plants. Learn what makes plants grow and how to create the perfect garden environment indoors and out, even how to grow year round! How-To Hydroponics can help anyone overcome a brown thumb!

Step-By-Step Plans And Photographs
Learn to build and operate eight types of hydroponic systems from inexpensive materials and save hundreds, even thousands of dollars doing so. How-To Hydroponics covers everything from practical theory to hands-on applications and includes everything you need to know to start growing with this exciting technology today!

The Latest Tips, Techniques & Technology
How-To Hydroponics, 4th edition, has been completely revised which means more of the latest tips, techniques and technology including Aeroponics, which takes hydroponics to the next level to achieve even greater results from your hydroponic gardening efforts!

Keith Roberto

Year: 2003
Edition: 4th
Publisher: Futuregarden
Language: english
Pages: 102
ISBN 10: 0967202612
ISBN 13: 9780967202617

ID:  N - 51

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