Ashutosh Pramanik
The good response received by this book from various institutes and universities, has encouraged me tomake some additions and a few minor changes in this edition. The basic structure of the book and thephilosophy of presentation of the subject matter, of course, have remained unchanged. A substantialamount of additional material, mostly dealing with applications, has been incorporated.
To start with, the vector transformations in different coordinate systems, have now been included.The topics of Electrostatics and Magnetostatics had already been dealt with, fairly adequately, andhence remain unaltered. Some historical comments have been introduced at various places in the book,in order to enhance the understanding of the process of development of the subject.
A proof for theindependent boundary conditions as derived from the integral form of the Maxwell’s equations hasnow been presented in a separate appendix. Since the Bessel functions and the Legendre functions arewidely used in waveguides and antennae, an appendix dealing with the properties of these functions,has now been provided.
The chapter on the vector potential has been significantly expanded as theneed for a clearer understanding of the properties of the vector potentials, has now become increasinglyimportant because more and more three-dimensional electromagnetic problems (not merely staticproblems) are being solved numerically.
The simplicity of the vector potential for two-dimensionalproblems is no longer there, as in three-dimensional problems, the magnetic vector potential (A) wouldhave more than one component. In this context, Carpenter’s electric vector potential (T) might be ofsome help in some of the eddy current problems, but there are quite a number of problems where the Avector might be a preferred choice.
A device which has not been much exploited in the numericalsolutions is the Hertz vector (Ze or Zm). Hence a section dealing with its derivation and interpretationhas been included in this chapter. One of the great attractions of the Hertz vector has been that itcombines in itself the capabilities of the vector potential as well as the scalar potential and thuseliminates the need for using the two potentials for the complete solution.
Though the Hertz vector hasbeen used mostly for wave problems so far, this is not an essential restriction for this vector, as itsgeneral definition does include the conducting region parameter (s) and hence can be used for solvingthe eddy current problems where required.
Categories: Physics\\Electricity and Magnetism
Year: 2009
Edition: 2
Language: english
Pages: 1015
ISBN 13: 978-81-203-3465-6
ID: SC - 1352
SC - 1352 | Electromagnetism - Theory and Applications
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