Tuesday, July 30, 2019

SC - 628 | Hazardous Chemicals Associated with Plastics in the Marine Environment

Hazardous Chemicals Associated with Plastics in the Marine Environment (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry 78) 1st ed. 2019 Edition, by Hideshige Takada (Editor), Hrissi K. Karapanagioti (Editor)

This volume consists of 15 chapters and focuses on hazardous chemicals, how they are associated with plastics, and their environmental risks. It includes background information on plastics and additives chemistry, and their observed or potential effects on living organisms as well as the oceanographic aspects of marine debris dispersion.

The respective chapters provide insights into the sorption/desorption of chemicals in and out of plastics, the mechanisms and kinetics, but also the scale of the concentrations of chemicals found in marine debris, particularly in microplastics. The occurrence of the various chemicals is analyzed, as well as the distribution profiles of the chemicals in microplastics throughout the world's oceans. The implications of the fact that plastics carry within them several chemicals are discussed in detail. In closing, new research topics that warrant further attention are identified. The book will appeal to all scientists who are already working or interested in starting to work on the topic of marine debris, as well as policymakers, NGOs and the broader informed public.

2019 | ISBN-10: 3319955667 | ID: SC - 628

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