The young prophet Elijah, commanded by an angel of God to flee Israel, seeks safety in the land of Zarephath, where he unexpectedly finds true love with a young widow. But this new-found rapture is to be cut short, and Elijah sees all of his hopes and dreams irrevocably erased. What follows is sure to be viewed as Coelho's literary milestone: the quietly moving account of a man touched by the hand of God who must triumph over his frustrations in a soul-shattering trial of faith.Inspired by a circumstance that forever altered Coelho's own life, "The Fifth Mountain" is a testament to the truth that tragedy in life should not be considered a punishment but a challenge of the spirit. Gorgeous in its narrative and unforgettable in its prose, "The Fifth Mountain" teaches without being sanctimonious. This is a timeless story for the ages, a tale of the past that resonates powerfully for today's readers.
ID: OT - 13
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