This workbook is designed to be used in conjunction with the author’s free online video tutorials. Inside this workbook each chapter is divided into learning modules (subsections), each having its own dedicated video tutorial.
View the online video via the hyperlink located at the top of the page of each learning module, with workbook and paper or tablet at the ready. Or click on the Introduction to Vectors playlist where all the videos for the workbook are located in chronological order:
Introduction to Vectors
While watching each video, fill in the spaces provided after each example in the workbook and annotate to the associated text.
You can also access the above via the author’s YouTube channel
Dr Chris Tisdell’s YouTube Channel
There has been an explosion in books that connect text with video since the author’s pioneering work Engineering Mathematics: YouTube Workbook [31]. The current text takes innovation in learning to a new level, with all of the video presentations herein streamed live online, giving the classes a live, dynamic and fun feeling.
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